10 Achilles Tendon Injury Facts You Need to Know

1. Named after mythological Greek hero Achilles who was dipped into the River Styx making his body invincible but leaving his heel vulnerable.

2. The Achilles tendon is the largest (and strongest) tendon in the body

3. Achilles tendons can handle 4 times body weight

4. Injury occurs most commonly in men ages 30-50

5. The incidence of rupture is ~2-5 per 100,000 BUT in athletic populations is higher… lifetime incidence of tear in athletes upwards of 8%. (tendonopathy in upwards 24%!)

6. Most common sports injuries occur in basketball, soccer, football, tennis, running

7. Causes of Achilles tendon rupture include sudden forced plantar flexion of the foot, direct trauma, and long-standing tendinopathy or intratendinous degenerative conditions.

8. Systemic diseases may be associated with Achilles tendon injuries such as chronic renal failure and diabetes

9. Historically, conservative management has shown a higher re-rupture rate when compared to surgical interventions.

10. The NFL’s Injury and Safety Committee has stated in the past that about eight Achilles tendon tears occur each season.

Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers season ending Achilles injury in slow motion.  Aired September 11, 2023 Monday Night Football.  Get well soon.

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